As a paperboy in very early 80s I used a Panasonic walkman while delivering on my route. During this time the Panasonic walkman was my daily companion for several years. I gave up my paper-route on my 16th birthday and the walkman went into a closet at my parents house. I began looking for it around the year 2000 and have come to the conclusion that my parents donated it to charity sometime after I moved out. Since 2000 I have been searching ebay and many websites trying to find the correct walkman. Oddly enough, I have not be able to find any representation of my old walkman. I will try this last time to identify it so please see description below and please share any idea you may have on potential model number. The closest I can find is the RQ-j75 and the RQ-j52. My walkman seemed to be a hybrid of these 2 models. Panasonic (1981-1983ish) Color Light gray ( almost silverish) body and med gray buttons NO RECORD FEATURE/ NO RADIO/NO EXTERNAL SPEAKER NO BELT CLIP very light bluish shoulder strap mounted to the body NO LEATHER CASE headphones had very light blue foam pads Cassette window was slightly smoked"tinted" plastic that had to be hand opened. Thanks in advance
John Edwards (RIP) did some awesome write-ups but Tiny Pics and other picture hosting services deleted the photos. I've heard there's browser plug-ins that will restore them but here's one of his theads. There might be more in the forum reader. The Pocket Calculator Show has some more information Hope this helps!
UPDATE! I found it on the pocketcalculatorshow, its the RQ-j55. Perhaps I can find one now, thank you so much
Nice, the Pocket Calculator Show started this forum around 20 years ago! Good luck in your quest, I have several of those big clunky models that were built like a tank but no RQ-J55.