Traditionally Stylophones have used a stylus (hence the name). Both the Omnichord and Toshiba use finger resistance so even the thinnest gloves...
Friday and Saturday in the early 1990s seem to be best for adverts. I wonder how much money Dixons made on those portable CD players ? [ATTACH]...
When the future becomes retro. I actually had a play on an Omnichord back in the 1980s. I recall that they seemed expensive compared to Casio...
I recall going to a HiFi show around then and one stand had a "mobile" decoration made from about fifty CDs hanging from the top of their stand. I...
You could play the £3.99 adverts one or any other pre-recorded cassette. Probably no better than in a £30 Sony WM22 but you could. I have always...
Saturday 13th November 1993 and the big U.K. retailers are advertising heavily with two page spreads Comet have managed to cover three of our...
Win a portable DCC player. Unfortunately the offer closed in December 1993 [ATTACH]
My only encounter with DAT tapes was these. I think they turned up in a pile of junk donated to the Ham Radio Club. No use to me or anyone else...
For some reason the words "ITT Radio" immediately made me think of "Pony". I was right They must have been...
I just realised the Sony is "active matrix" so basically like all LCDs used for video today. How many people remember the dreadful "dual scan"...
Friday 8th November 1991 and retailers think you should be getting ready for Christmas. They will even provide the wrapping for free. [ATTACH]
Friday 8th November 1991 and retailers think you should be getting ready for Christmas. The Sony mini stereos were priced similarly to their mini...
Friday 8th November 1991 and retailers think you should be getting ready for Christmas. [ATTACH] I have to chuckle at the Philips "Turbo Bass"....
This ad is most appropriate in this thread. That Sony is really expensive. I included the JVC as I'm sure that is what most people would buy if...
Those adverts look as if they could have come from Radio Shack. A search told me "In 1973, Tandy Corporation began opening RadioShack-style...
Made by Kyocera, apparently it is the last computer to have code written by Bill Gates in it. I have read they were popular with journalists who...
Since @Retro Audio Museum is exhibiting a Philips I thought I would post this video from back when they had ambitions in consumer electronics....
Christmas must be coming. I predicted the newspaper adverts for Christmas presents would start picking up. 1991 "No we can't afford an Amiga. How...
1991 and a newspaper advert for the types of computers teenagers (or their parents) could afford. I bought the Atari ST Discovery Pack the year...
HiFi must have been big business in 1977. All these ads are from the same magazine whose editorial included article on Star Wars and various young...
Separate names with a comma.