@ Mystereo: can you help me now with the Cloneman-mission :crazy ? ha, i wonder if there‘s a clear one…
is the transparent one original, or repro ? if repro, i want one, too
welcome aboard :hi
Fruits de Mer Records - Strange Fish compilation, here Vol. III of V (I to IV are vinyls, V is a cd unfortunately): [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
objection, sir raheem :old: [ATTACH] :hi
@Radio Raheem: mate, if you ever find one in germany (f.ex. on kleinanzeigen.de) that you need, let me know, i can organize transport etc.
they're two different players. the Thorens is a mixture belt/idler-drive, the Sony is direct drive. i've never done the effort to compare them to...
nah, it's MY FRIEND, no Unisef
Moodymann presents Mahogany Brown ...gosh, i love that album, one of my all-time-favourites, best detroit-stuff :smoke:worship: [ATTACH]
i rather guess it's a JC Penny's
i try to list the ones i own (find incomplete list attached, there's at least 5 missing/not listed yet), they're well over 60 (plus quite a few...
pandora‘s box :scratch2:
i‘m quite curious, if this is labelled UNISEF, this is the only real Cloneman with that name. the only units i know, are the other way around,...
nice one, please post a pic of the label :hi
well, i have a few older pocket reel-to-reel units, some of them came with a microphone, wich could be clipped/mounted to the mouthpiece/receiver...
to tell you the truth: as long as those units are there, i switch‘em on in the morning and off in the evening, sometimes itune in another station,...
it has something to do with program-buttons and programming them… https://www.audioservicemanuals.com/pdf-download.php
b.t.w. i have the other version with detachable speakers, post #160:...
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