the philips swing-arm was and is still the standard. only very expensive-rare transports can be better.would love to find a 20 year old rare...
studer d730 has cdm4 and has studer modifications. i don't like the cdm-1, it's sound is less than cdm4. the cdm4 is more precise. is there a...
@Radio Raheem it's the d5 pro 2 you want to have. there is no walkman which is at that level build quality + best complete all-round sound. you...
till now my studer d730 is by far the best cdm + digital out i have. my gustard dac is 1-2 levels above dac7. the gustard dac is the digital...
1993, one hell of an album but this song. mann. 1993. too avant-garde for ibiza [MEDIA]
you don't need those expensive amps. read audiosciencereview for amps/headphones/dac/etc. sometimes they are an overkill about measuring and less...
@Jorge it used to be, thanks to the chinese it's affordable. a topping A90 costs= 500 euro gustard x16 dac= 450 euro. indeed, 5 years ago you...
@Mister X i think there was a forum-layout before that one. this lay-out was almost the same as head-fi, the one before was more 90's looking.
i think, i joined in 2001?? perhaps 2002 there was just a message board. i didn't need to mail to the admin, i could post already. the boombox...
@autoreverser don't you miss those days. only a couple of us, i think perhaps 5-10 persons which where into walkman. every week there was a new...
my favo nr1 prodigy [MEDIA]
that's too much for me... ;) which are your top 10 albums, songs? iow, which one gives most emotion? my top 2 songs pop rock nr 1: stones - let it...
one of my absolute favo's. it's me as a person....!!! [MEDIA]
i am glad i have my setup and don't pay those prices. only thing i would want is a sonosax sx-es84 channel pre-amp, boulder power amp and a jbl...
i think the emt cartridges are the best bang for the buck. your cartridge costs more than my TT, 3550 euro ?? dammnn, let alone your arm and the...
well, a he60 setup no box and revision goes for 3600usd. it's too much.??? but why 3600??? it is the smile which you get from a he60... you pay...
yep, i've thought so.. i just keep it simple. my emt 950 has everything and dont need special arms cartridges or amps. bought mine for 2500 euro.....
@Robu i've bought dd9 for 25 euro another 40 and 60 in perfect condition. have 3 dd9, 3 dc2 nobody wanted the dd9 or dc2 20 years ago. i was the...
@toocool that's one hell of a tone-arm
in the netherlands i know a revox/studer repairshop. so, the studer a710 isn't a problem to fix. only prices of the 710 went sky high. oja, motors...
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