Hi Jorge! You can send the kit to: Pekka Hasu Mockasinvägen 22, 1tr 126 39 HÄGERSTEN Sverige-Sweden Thank You so much!
Thank You Jorge! Great job from You!
Hi Jorge! What a wonderful day to wake up 0n. Yes I would be very happy Indeed. Send me all data You need.
Hi! Ok. It would be nice to get the Tire together with the Belt kit but unfortunately I don`t now the size,
Hi Jorge! So kind of You. Yes I will!! Is the Idler tire included in the kit!
Oh, what kind of You! I have a 480Z. It still works fine but I can hear a whining when I rew the band. Quess it is because old belts or maybe...
I have tried to come in contact with Marrs but they even don’t get me a notice!
Hi! Great thanks for Your help! I’m familiar with Turntableneedles.com since my Walkman belts bargains but there are discussions on the forums...
Thank You for Your answer!
Hi! I wonder if You folks know if Marrs still are selling Nak belts?
Thank You very much!!!
Thank You for Your advice!
Sorry, I mean headphone connerstors. (My english :omg:)
About Marrs belts. I have heard on Youtube that they dont sell Japan Made belts to Nakamichi anymore. Tried to order and the said Yes they do but...
Hi! I need to replace an earphone contact omn my DDIII. I wonder if all DD models have the same contact. I have a donor from a DD. Glad for advice.
Hello Smurfer! Try to replace the Idler tire!
Hello! I need som help to find out the functions of the 2 IC,s om WM-DD. Which of them is for Power and which for sound? 1. IC CX887, 2.IC CX891....
Hi! You can pry the back cover off with these plastic tools so You don,t do any damage. You can buy these tools from fixit.com for example.
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