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[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Hi Stuck-in Time, Thanks for your interest.Here are some more photographs of the unit .I intended to snd these original but for...
It should work without the lid but it is worth having for completeness I have bought one and it is very good value for the money.
Hi Longman and Mister X, Thanks for your input .I am sure you are both right as I have since seen on one side (with a magnifier) the words...
I bought this Sony on E-Bay, forĀ£20 or so It is called a Sony Soundalive .I have never seen one before nor can I find any reference to it on the...
I thought you were but never quite sure !
I have only just seen you last post Mister X. I was not meaning to bad mouth the television . Iwaas just expressing my surprise that the unit had...
It could possibly be model Sony TCM-600. See the Walkman Archive site and go to Gallery and click on the pictures of Sony tpls2 and scroll...
Neat machine with television as well .
Shaun I have just found out that videos I took for showing how the TC-44 battery case fitted the WM-D5C had been posted to the I-cloud and as a...
I have seen this one on E-bay for sale . The seller sells a lot on E-bay and I have bought some for him and I have never had any complaints at...
Shaun here is one you can buy quite cheaply with free postage as well . it must have the battery case as the seller says he has tried the unit...
Here is a TC-55 for sale onE-bay from France in case you are interested in it Sony TC-55 Compact Portable Cassette Corder Tape Recorder Tapecorder...
HI TooCool The writing in Japanese on the site .What site do you use to buy in Japan?
Shaun Yes as Boodokhan sayS the TC-55 and also the TC-44 which I have are identical to the battery case for the SonyD6 OR D6C. As you know the...
That looks the same battery case except my machine is a TC-44. I have tried to send two videos but I cannot seem to get them to upload.I will try...
Here are 2 videos I have taken trying to show that the battery case for the TC-44 fits that of the WM-D6C
Hi TooCool I cannot seem to get my google translator to work so I have not a clue what it says or how much it costs I am also having trouble...
Here I hope are two videos I have taken trying to show that the case from The TC-44 fits the D6C
Hi Boodokhan I note you say that the battery case is easy to find but I have been looking on Y-bay uk for some time since I wanted one and I...
Separate names with a comma.