I notice on the Fidelity unit, the tape deck is labelled ‘computer compatible’. That is very rare! Must mean outputs on the back dedicated to...
Wouldn’t say it’s a dud, I think it works exactly as it’s supposed to which is to say, it’s not brilliant! Its quite a satisfying process, the...
picked up a lovely condition Sony tape eraser from the ‘bay for £25 recently, and finally got to use it this morning. the results were a little...
A UK company is preparing to release a new tape formula. The website states they have BASF/Emtec technicians working for them! This is very...
Sony Walkman Wm-7 https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F113716438938 PROS: has very rare headphone...
I think the tc-50 was off the shelf, much like the flags bought from JC Penney on the way to the launch pads... apologies can’t find the link for...
If there is no hiss, just silence, then you may have knocked the play back head wires from their solder points. If there is a hiss then the head...
[ATTACH] No, it is no problem! The oil is for fast spinning parts, so if you have to remove this part then consider some oil. The shaft of this...
The lubricant is for the parts which have spindles inside, like the spinning discs for the belts. The parts which are cogs or slide horizontally...
Post pictures of your machines! It will likely need a serious clean and lubrication/grease, new belts. Old rubber tyres need serious cleaning...
Marian’s www.fixyouraudio.com has those belts
so I was looking at various website this morning and decided it would be quite useful to have a resource for these sealed tape NOS websites in one...
Spotted one on tapeline just now, purple reels look very cool £10 https://www.tapeline.info/v2/1-x-c60-reel2reel.html
There are a few here http://www.stereo2go.com/forums/threads/best-repair-services-in-the-world.1336/
I have two WM-2 and find repairing them easier than any other walkman, much more so than a DD which is a better system but far more complex. I...
GE 3-5151B There is a YouTube video about it, and the comments suggest it has a DC bias which is quite interesting. [MEDIA]
@misterX in a past life I used to carry a Sony microcassette recorder, it’s in a box somewhere. I’ll have to dig it out, should be a tape or two...
Interesting thread! And is there a range of micro cassettes? I notice the ‘metallic’ type, but that could mean anything and could be the reason...
£20 is $100 Brazil dollars. I’d love to know what tape is inside
Under 11k seems arbitrary. Anything with a 5 digit serial has the early head, then the 35711 until the 1990s and later the 35712 heads. The most...
Separate names with a comma.