Its onkyo ta 6511. For now marantz is my bigest problem, cant get head aligment, maybe i do it wrong, ive tried aign by prerecorded tape both...
Azimuth not shure is corect, but done by same tape, by me, so there is room for errors, but puting marantz recorded tape to onkyo and adjusting...
Recently i got my second deck, its marantz sd-60, and comparing its sound to my old onkyo, onkyo is low on higths. I wonder is it because i...
I've tried this by silicone based spray, didint helped. Have idea, but not shure, maybe its stupid, but anyway tape is unusable, so maybe ill try...
Well i dont remember about autostop, i had this deck when i was about 6-8 years old, o dont think it had one, but i remember gluing my tapes with...
About soviet made decks [IMG] Soviet decks have some power
@Boodokhan that was first thing ive tried, not once, i had one similar tape (optima 1) that started to wotk after few full play runs, this...
Hmm, first thing in mind by looking to photo was bmw dashboard
Hello, i have about 30 cassettes and all woks fine on my two deks, and walkmans, but one dont, it was new sealed, first run was fine but later it...
@Jaycambs sveikas, ne kada papuola uzsienio forume lietuviskai paskaityti. I noticed same thing, last weak i saw nice vintage sharp on window,...
Im planing to change my curent onkyo ta-6511 deck, its ok, no problems, but its two head, i want 3 head, dolby s not do important for me. im...
One other thing. Amp. 8 boomboxes means 8 amps, good chance they all have diferent damping factor (if i remember rigth) plus diferent sensitivity...
магнитофон was reel to reel too, магнитофон traslates to somerhing like " magnetic tape player" And boombox in rusia was just marketing sticker,...
@CDV i got bored by reading diskusion about what is called boombox, but not mentioning something like portability, that in mind i can old car...
I read first page, second i got boring. Boombox of getoblaster is a product marketed to specific peoples. So it is: Cassette player Radio...
I wold do diferent, or wont do at all. Because sound will be diferent of those 8 boomboxes. I've tried to mach diferent speakers on my hifi...
I had denon f100 system, it was reciever tape deck and cd player (same cd player techmoan showed on budget hifi series). It was great, remote...
Had same problem, try to put more tention on pich roller, mybe spring lost tention, or what was for me, tape it self, ff anf rew worked fine but...
@Mister X i think it did came with case. Its not wery much info on these models, but i was found old adwert for player plus case, not know, was...
@radiorich i dont restore it, i just get it because its thing from my childdhood, it has no fm bands, cassette deck well main belt is fine,...
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