:sayhi: Does any one have the service manual of national rx-s70? If yes, please send me a copy:tongue: [IMG]
thanks, i saw it.
i see "Hong Kong" on the package and chinese characters "中国香港" on the stamps, so it must be shipped form Hongkong, China.
one question : Which font you chose to write the "walky" in AI??:)
great job! by the way I also get my first as10 recently and it's a sliver one too.
https://www.manualslib.com/manual/895172/Aiwa-Hs-H09.html#manual is this helpful?
https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/n232293348 beautiful set but not beautiful price:(
I'm from china, and almost my collections are from these two websites. yahoo action is a good place for collection your expected machines but...
Hi, I'll take some pics of my collections sooner or later. By the way, boodokhan is also one of my favorite players.:thumbup: Also with its...
KT-AS10 and kt-vs1 look great!
toshiba kt-as10
PM-R2 is so beautiful, is this for sale?:)
LOOKS SO BEAUTIFUL!!! Blue wm-101 is in my buying list but I never met one like this for sale.:cry
nice black wm-10 and aiwa hs-g09, great conditions!
I found this forum by accident when I searched the information of a sanyo player-m-g110dt. I have some sony walkmans also also like AIWA.
Separate names with a comma.