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America's Largest Boombox Collection!

Discussion in 'Chat Area' started by Mister X, Jun 20, 2020.

  1. hugo

    hugo Member

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    All videos seem to be normal collections from the 2000’s we all had lots of radios back then, lately prices have been going thrue the roof, all thanks to the Russian guys, all trying to get the most for their radios.
    Mister X likes this.
  2. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    I started around 2002, you'd have to watch everyday for years to see some of his collection come up for sale. I don't think the Russian Guys are setting the pricing, look at sold or completed auctions and none of them sell. I do think of buyers that used these products when they came out now want to try it again. A lot of people around here held on to their prized tapes and albums and now want that tactile response vintage players give them. Digital music has no soul but that old media is like a cherished toy from childhood. The nicer units are more rare but more desireable since they were unobtanium for teens in the 80's, I think that's driving the price more. Forums like this expose the 1000's of boomboxes and Walkmans we never saw and help grow the hobby.
  3. Longman

    Longman Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Bournemouth UK
    Interesting that you make the toy comparison as I know the story behind my late Fathers huge toy collection.
    My Uncle was ten years younger than my Father. When my Father went to College he came back and found that my Uncle
    had given away or wrecked parts of Fathers beloved Hornby train set.

    So years later he bought himself a replacement from someone who had looked after theirs, Then a different set he had wanted as a child.
    Then another. You can see where this story is going.

    When people were in their twenties or thirties they were only too keen to replace their Walkman with an iPod (or in Peter Quill's case a Zune) :laugh:
    Now they are older they want to go back to their youth.

    Two things I am periodically looking for now are:
    • A transistor radio like my Grandmother used to have. in the early 1970s. The telescopic aerial used to fascinate me, while she was always concerned I would break it. Searching it doesn't help that I don't remember the make (maybe Pye or Philips).
    • A Kienzle clock the same as the one that sat in the families dining room throughout the 1970s and 1980s. Doing my homework in that room I must have looked at that clock thousands of times. Then, in the early 1990s after I had left home it started becoming unreliable and my parents replaced it with a different one with a Quartz movement. What would I pay for the exact same model of clock ? Maybe £100 despite there always being plenty of mantle clocks available in charity shops for £5.
    WheelyPanamax2 and Mister X like this.
  4. Brian

    Brian Member

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    La Loupe
    I'm down to 15...:noway:
    Cassette2go and Mister X like this.
  5. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    Brian, I'd love to know, did you get tired of collecting and just kept some that you had a connection with? It can be a difficult hobby, some of the "grails" take up a ton of space. When people walk into my office I make them point to a boomer or portable and I give them a little history on that unit.

    As a side not, you should advertise your business more in the sections below, there's a ton of collectors that need knobs and sliders.
    WheelyPanamax2 likes this.
  6. Brian

    Brian Member

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    La Loupe
    YES!!!! That is exactly that. Got tired of collecting (and too much room lost, but kept my grails!!!!!)

    My business… same, still got all my molds, but got tired doing that as well. :noway:
    Mister X likes this.
  7. Brian

    Brian Member

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    La Loupe
    BUT…. There was one I had sold, and I ended up asking myself why and got a replacement… VZ2000...
    Mister X likes this.
  8. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    One of the coolest and if there's any question, it's a lot bigger than the Marantz/UNIX PMS-6000.
  9. Cassette2go

    Cassette2go Well-Known Member

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    Dallas Texas USA
    I have really no idea how many I still have maybe 300 or so as I am repairing them as I try to sell them & I still have about 18 or so un-opened since I bought them going back about 8 years or say it another way i have some that I have not opend in 8 years since I bought them from ebay including a few walkmans like a boodo kan - yet to open or un-box since buying it years ago.
    Boodokhan and Mister X like this.
  10. WheelyPanamax2

    WheelyPanamax2 Active Member

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    That's an amazingly huge collection!!! I'm glad you're getting around to repairing them; maybe we can set up some kind of online how-to for people to learn to repair?
    Mister X likes this.
  11. Longman

    Longman Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Bournemouth UK
    That really is trusting. I presume you didn't leave Ebay feedback. My amusing thought for the morning is Cassette2Go opening up a parcel and finding completely the wrong item in it. Someone on here did that a couple of years ago, getting two address labels swapped.

    I recently had the opposite receiving a parcel thinking "what have I ordered that is in this mystery parcel ?". It turned out to be the second Sony SL-F1 I had won an auction for but the size of the box completely threw me off as it was twice the height necessary, but only a fraction of an inch longer than the VCR. Another recent example of the need to check parcels was a BluRay player I bought that turned up without the remote. The seller was very apologetic and immediately posted it but it was a good thing I checked.
    WheelyPanamax2 likes this.
  12. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    The unboxing is half the fun! Then I love checking out the radio and I usually assume that tape decks will be dead. Cassette2go, not only do you have a lot but you know your equipment. I don't think I ever read how you knew so much about boomers and all of the rare sought-after models, you were one of the early forum guys that had one of everything, sometimes multiples.
    WheelyPanamax2 likes this.
  13. WheelyPanamax2

    WheelyPanamax2 Active Member

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    I'd also be interested in more of your history Cassette2Go! Also, are you ever going to make the Boombox Catalog available for sale? Proceeds could go to you or the family of the creator; I think you have the only known copy and in my opinion it would be a shame for all of that goodness to be lost!
  14. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    Do you mean the Boombox Database 2.0? Pocket Calculator Show also had one called the Boombox Compendium, I don't know if they are the same. I think either Northerner or autoreverse have a copy of the BBDB 2.0. I've never seen it, just some screen shots of a few of the pages.
  15. WheelyPanamax2

    WheelyPanamax2 Active Member

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    Yes to both or either! I want to see a copy, even if it is screen-sharing with someone. I feel like I have a pretty extensive database, but if these are as good as everyone says, they are like a Mayan Codex of boomboxes that I don't even know existed!!!!
    Mister X likes this.

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