This is neat, we never had anything like this over here, Russia Berestye Mini P402S Personal Tape Player with accessories.|iid:1
Wow! Is there any information on this deck? Year, features etc. There’s another with the speaker kit in the sellers listings too
These were kind of cheesy back in the 80's but in working order they are a great conversation piece.|iid:1
There are usually about half a dozen Sharp VZ3000/VZ3XXX on at any one time although they do often seem to fetch decnt money (a couple of £Hundreds) The two portables VZ2000 / VZ2500 look very tempting to me, although unlike a Walkman they aren't the sort of thing you can sneak in past the wife (space not money being the problem).
I rarely saw them over here but they seem to be a few steps nicer than the mass-produced entry-level crap Fisher Component Stacks in the nice wood rack that everyone seemed to have.
Here is the same model back in a 1982 Kays catalogue. That would be the equivalent of being in something like the Sears catalogue in the USA. Companies like Kays were never cheap but you could buy on weekly payments back when far fewer people had credit cards. Checking up, 1982 was also the year that Sharp started sponsoring Manchester United so they had a very high profile. In the USA that would have been the equivalent of them sponsoring the San Francisco 49ers. I just found an article about it Interesting comment about "Microwave Ovens that have lasted twenty years." What he didn't mention was that they cost £200 back then. The only Microwave in that 1982 catalogue is a Sharp at that price while next to it is a Sharp Microwave Combi for £425, the equivalent of £1400 today. Nowadays I would be surprised if many people in their twenties had ever heard of Sharp. As for Fisher stacks, this was the UK equivalent, which was actually on the same catalogue page as the Sharp. Amstrad chairman Alan Sugar claims to have invented the tower system which was effectively a Music Centre laid out vertically. It made enough money to set his company up ready to make £ millions from Home Computers later in the decade.
I'd give credit to the "tower system" to the company that first marketed an amp, tuner, turntable and tape deck that were all the same footprint. I'm not sure who did it first, we didn't have Amstrad over here but I bet Sony or Sansui and even Technics were early adaptors.
Actually Amstrad's idea was using the same power supply etc for all the units, making it significantly cheaper than the equivalent systems from the likes of Sony. However, Amstrad never had a reputation for being anything more than Mid Fi. Sony certainly copied the idea later on. I once had to fix a Sony Midi system and apart from at the front and base of the unit it was empty inside.
Sony's Micro cassette adapter:
I've been watching those, I've never had one and I'm thinking you would need to take off the door to use it correctly? Does it only work with Sony Recorders or anywhere you can fit it in?
Bidding on microcassettes lately has been going crazy, first a little GE Unit went for silly money without the Road Show Box it came with and now these two beautiful units. I wasn't going to post these but the price is interesting, maybe a sign?|iid:1
These are cool and this has all the paperwork.!55042!US!-1:rk:24:pf:0
More Sony Stuff, for the guy that has just about everything Walkman Related, the Walkman Pouch. It's made in the USA but it looks like a Sony Product.!55042!US!-1
Walkman Watch, or should it be a Watchman?
Don't laugh, there's usually a lot more out there, but beside the mega-priced equipment from Russia I'm not seeing anything good lately. This one is kind of neat, Penncraft is a house brand of JCPenny, an American Department Store that's on it's last legs. In the 70's they were pretty big, going head to head with Sears, and everything was private labeled, some wasn't too bad. I'm just posting this since it seems like a first generation boombox. I think the speakers are mounted on the sides and point horizontally. Kind of interesting and for the true boombox history buff.
Another off the wall unit, I've got repair manuals for these units but have never seen one in an ad, photo, or in the flesh. I kind of thought they were badged with Superscope since it seems to be mid-fi but this is a very rare Marantz All-In-One that has a tape deck, turntable, 8-track and am/fm radio. Don't hold your breath for true Marantz Quality, the Pressboard back, stamped platter and non-gyroscope tuning aren't giving me warm fuzzys. If you like meters this one is on steroids, you'll never have to worry about cranking it too loud with your station out of tune.
From the black box thing on top I'm guessing it is a music centre. At first I thought it was a Cassiever. The rectangular panel bottom left still has me puzzled. It looks about the right size for an 8 track cartridge but I can't see an eject button.
The cover is for the turntable, I don't think it's original. The 2'nd button from the right says eject on it and it looks like it might be playing a tape but I always remember 8-track cartridges sticking out of the transport. There's also a tape deck on top with two more meters for EIGHT! total. I heard there was low-end department store Marantz in the late 80's and this has to be one of them but the 8-track might make it older.
Aiwa walkman owners should consider getting these. They're a lot better-made than most mini speakers.