I don't actually have a pdf of it myself. The catalogue is the size of a tabloid newspaper and I only have an A4 scanner so I ended up taking photos of it. Look at front page and there are cassettes trying to keep it flat on the floor. I do have photos of all 48 pages which total 152MBytes of files. A small fraction of the 34GHytes of catalogues I have here (mainly Argos and club catalogues). Being JPEG the files are already compressed so zipping them together wouldn't be a big help. I'm not sure what the maximum size I could send in a message / email is. Any ideas? At worse then I could send a CD at cost. Thinking about it, now that I have pictures I would actually be prepared to sell the catalogue if you were desperate for it, although I don't recall the exact amount I paid for it; maybe £12 inclusive. Recently I paid more than that for a Comet catalogue, http://stereo2go.com/forums/threads/comet-december-1983-hifi-catalogue.7139/ but again it was the first I had seen for years.