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My collection

Discussion in 'Gallery' started by SantiOriginal, Sep 1, 2018.

  1. SantiOriginal

    SantiOriginal Active Member

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    Tilburg, the Netherlands
    Excactly What i told you, i bought 3 hmdi-av converters of “Mini” - that little white device -. Only one worked. Fortunatly i plugged My tele’s trough an antenna-splitter (i still have analog signal), so i can Watch pulp-tv trough all of My old tv’s with one HDMI-to-AV, lol! Must be the cause why you have problems.

    I like the set up in the YouTube video! Nice work around from laptop - HDMItoAV - Zealous - old tv’s !! A nice wireless alternative
  2. nickelindimer

    nickelindimer Active Member

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    We still have AM-radio in the 'States. Why, I don't know....:nonoplease

    This is why I'm glad I felt need to still have a usable pocket television... A rechargeable model with A/V-inputs and card slots, sold under the brand name Viola. It also has a coaxial antenna input, which allows me to source from just about anything. In fact, it came in handy one night....

    For reasons beyond me, my mother insisted all of us--father, brother, his fiancee and me--go with her for the wake for the sister of her only friend in high-school. After the service, I went into the funeral home's lounge and reached into my blazer pocket for my Viola, hung the antenna w/magnetic base from a low-hanging ceiling lamp and hit "auto-tuner". By the time my brother walked in, it already had found 42 channels and was still searching. Of course, it should be noted that I was a lot closer to the city that night, so....
  3. nickelindimer

    nickelindimer Active Member

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    We had those sold in the 'States too, under the Video-Go marque. They also sold a side-by-side model, then later a VCR/DVD-recorder model. When everything went digital here, I found many of them filling the shelves of the local Goodwill store. I even thought of buying one, when I was still interested in the recording 8-hours of CD-audio one a single VHS cassette.

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