haha, im not sure it has any legs my friend but it's solid lad....i have 100 times more but it wouldn't fit in a pic
That's very nice equipment, it brings me to the old days at Audio Karma and one of the members used to talk up Pioneer Fluoroscan Equipment and I started drooling over some of the last nice consumer equipment. I never run into it, I might have two units including one of the lower end decks but I really think they pulled off the conversion to digital better than anyone else with that blue really looking good. What are the two units on the bottom left, they look like tape decks?
thank you sir, yes they are jvc cassette decks.....i need you're help urgent if you are online now, you seem to know more about these pioneers than me one 8800 keeps clicking off im sure its the relay can you confirm this and how many relays there are, i think there is only 1 which im working on this was supposed to have been fully serviced, sorry but like most people on ebay there full of shit....here is the auction https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Pioneer-SA-8800-Stereo-Integrated-Amplifier-Fully-Serviced-with-upgrades/323569563592?ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649
I'd go over to AK, there's several threads on that unit, here's one with a simalr problem, I don't mind opening equipment up but I'm just a lightweight with this stuff. http://audiokarma.org/forums/index.php?threads/pioneer-sa-8800-repair-help.496750/ Crap happens with this old equipment, last year I bought a Tektronics Scope, it worked great at the seller's home, brought it home and boom, magic smoke everywhere.
well i just left a negative my friend, i would have taken it on the chin but it cost £600....i mean the seller said he had put a new triple life bulb in there which i didn't care about but even that's dead....i smell shit from a mile away lol
i do know the relay can go bad so i have done my best to service it, they oxerdise over time and can cause this
Hopefully the other units all work, were you on a buying frenzy? That's a ton of equipment for most people but some really cool stuff, I try to stay away from the bigger recievers and amps due to space issues but I recently picked up a monster Kenwood that needs some love after I get rid of all the fuzz-bunnies living in it. Someday I'll find an SA-8800, one of the guys used to put lights behind the volume dial and it looked very impressive, try to find solution where you can keep it. Were you going to bi-amp them?
Some of these sellers don't want you to touch anything, I'd contact him first and figure out plan B, let him know you just want an working unit, sometimes they get scavangers that grab working parts for other equipment.
i have tons of gear mate, just sold about 5 grands worth of technics, very good but bored me to tears as it was black.....not interested in contacting the seller as im disabled and have no way of sending back the unit,,, been buying for 20 years so i guess thats why i have so much gear....i have 2 jvc m90's left and there are nutters asking over 3 grand for them lol
just to let you know she is fixed for the moment sir....i had to melt 2 tiny wholes on top of the relay cover and then flood it with wd 40 and servisol....working fine now....serviced my a$$....thanks for you're help in this
Hopefully you were buying your equipment like I was 15 years ago when everywhen was dumping it for the latest micro Bose System. Great work on the relay by the way, post more photos when you have it up and running.
a lot of this silver stuff was given to me, i bought some and swapped some for my old Technics stuff, i have more but it wouldn't fit in a pic