I knew you had some James, but seeing them all reunited, well... (+ jaw drop) Can you show a clearer pic of the second to the right in the second row from above? I don't think I have ever seen one
Else where in this site I dumped all the pictures I had of the inside and some comparisons in that same grouping, but here is one picture that you may like. Well ok here is a few or the rest - Enjoy p.s. I no longer have this 'Boombox9' as I sold it as it is made out of hard board or really tough cardboard LOL.
Super photos! Thanks for sharing! I've never seen this Boombox9 either - where was it made, any story behind this one? UPD: a-ha, yep, just saw another thread on that creature.. )
Well I just searched around and there is nothing about this model anymore, sorry. This was just a single 5 inch full range speaker with amfm & shortwave radio cassette recorder looking like it did, and made out of hardboard with a total plastic front. I bought one, played it, didn't like it, sold it. end of my story
Found this I had posted at the old forum ,since then a couple more have been added to my collection (not shown in the photo), hopefully someday I'll be able to cover my bathroom floor with them !
I remember this beautiful picture/ walkman tile from old forum, and this is the most beautiful tile design ever
Searching for the model Sanyo mini-slim with the 5-band equalizer in it brought me to my pictures in here.
Sanyo mr-ff2 I have three of them. One of them is missing one speaker Yes all four of them work. Just the one gray ones missing a speaker but I bought it like that.