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Sony WM-D6C and DD Series Walkmans - WARNING! Read this before plugging in any DC adaptor!

Discussion in 'Tech talk' started by Deb64, Jan 29, 2022.

  1. Romulo Lubachesky

    Romulo Lubachesky Member

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    Yes @Emiel , see the photo of one I just disassembled. Something happened in the controller circuit and it directly supplied 3.7v. Then it didn't recharge anymore. I use 1.2v eneloop in practically everything, but some things don't work if it's not 1.5v, for example the stylophone, that's where the problem happened, but it's a more robust equipment and didn't suffer anything. I have no experience with IKEA, but being 1.2v they should work fine, the problem is the 1.5v with controller.

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  2. Valentin

    Valentin Well-Known Member

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    Nowadays 2500mAh AA cells are very common and these offer more than enough capacity for walkmans.
    There are some walkmans (the DD range for example) where the thicker 2500mAh won't fit in the device, so 1300mAh ones will have to be used instead.
    But even in such cases, the 1300mAh are enough for normal use. NiMH chemistry offers good autonomy, I see no point in using anything else.

    @Romulo Lubachesky What happened is the switching transistor shorted and thus connected the battery directly to the output through the coil. See image attached.

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    Last edited: Jan 30, 2023
    Hyperscope and Romulo Lubachesky like this.
  3. Hyperscope

    Hyperscope Well-Known Member

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    Vancouver Canada
    Deb64 with more crucial advice. I found this thread last Summer. No AC adapters, even original one, on DC and DC6 is indeed sage advice.

    Been a Sanyo (now Panasonic) Eneloops user since 2006. The originals I bought in 2006 are still working great for me. Stocked up last year on more packs of them to take me into the next few decades.
    Emiel and Valentin like this.
  4. Shaun Hinds

    Shaun Hinds Member

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    @Deb64 Sorry to resurrect this thread, but doe the TC-D5 line of devices share the same CX20084 motor and therefore the same issue here presented by the WM-D6C
  5. dotneck335

    dotneck335 Active Member

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    Los Angeles, CA
    What I would propose for the WM-D6C is to cut that trace which leads to the jumper wire that feeds the CX20084 just where it joins down from the external power jack and insert a reverse-polarity protection Schottky diode (1N5818) to that break---that way it protects BOTH the battery and external power supplies from reverse voltage. Then put a 4-volt regulator (Microchip Technology MCP1702-4002E/TO) in place of the jumper wire. That will protect the CX20084 from overvoltage.
    Cassette2go likes this.

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