WTF? People gets crazy for the wireless earphones from apple

Discussion in 'Headphones Area' started by walkman archive, Dec 28, 2016.

  1. Chris

    Chris Active Member

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    Portsmouth, UK
    There's something about them that just looks wrong.

    But saying that, I have a Series 2 Apple Watch and it's very useful.
  2. Antoni

    Antoni Active Member

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    I do agree corded headphones sound better than BT headphones, I do disagree that BT headphones sound as bad as described above.
    Technology has progressed and will continue to move forward to where BT headphones will sound better than anything prior to them.
    Apple has a following unlike anything we've seen before for a gadget, they have given us a small computer to put in our pockets that makes phone calls, gone are the Motorola bricks just to mention one attribute of many.
    Perhaps the dislike towards Apple has to do more with the consumer than the company?

    PULOVR Member

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    There's an old saying... one man's crazy, is another man's normal.

    I would say, live and let be. :read
    Command8 and Longman like this.
  4. Longman

    Longman Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Bournemouth UK
    A great tune for the "Crazy" theme

    I just check and MiniDisc hadn't even been released when this was.
    Where did the last 27 years go ?
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2018
  5. nickeccles

    nickeccles Well-Known Member

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    Littlehampton West Sussex
    No Apple! No Way! Not Ever - Overpriced over hyped & overrated!! Tied to the iTunes/Apple store too :( :( :(

    The generation gap has nothing to do with it..............Sheep following the flock & the Apple logo!

    Mickey Fooking Mouse!! lol

    God I detest the whole apple thing............I think lots of us saw it for what it is at the start of the ShitePhone introduction - A marketing strategy that would suck soooo many into it's vortex :lollegs: :lollegs: :lollegs:

    iPad had the 1'st nice display panel & that is all I ever noticed about the Apple brand which of course, was soon matched by other manufacturers & the left apple treading water trying to come up with the next big thing - & here they are on this thread :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

    Thing is of course that they have made a quid or to over recent years, but for me?? Never Ever Apple :eyepopping: :eyepopping: :thumbdown::smoke :nono
    Radio Raheem likes this.
  6. Reli

    Reli Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    People pay $2,000+ for MacBooks even though they STILL don't have touchscreens........:scratch2

    iPhones cannot capture stereo audio while recording videos.....Something that a $200 Windows Phone could do many years ago......:scratch2

    IPhone wireless charging came out 4-5 years after Nokia had it :scratch2

    And yet people still believe Apple is an "innovator" :scratch2
    nickeccles likes this.
  7. Risingsunproject

    Risingsunproject Active Member

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    Athens Greece

    Well i used apple products to be honest but its 8 years ago the only thing left s an imac that does not want to die on me.Since then i switched to analog sound and cannot listen to music from a phone only if it is connected to a ghettoblaster slowly but steadily i am loosing taste for youtube video sound
    The only actual good thing on an iphone was good quality images under dark/night conditions for me the rest i could live without,like buying overpriced battery cords all the time.
    And definitely i will never buy an expensive laptop again apple or not its not worth the drama of changing ssds like a moron and loosing precious files everytime they like to explode.(goodnight asus)
    Probably sticking to my analog sound inc some good deck in the future combined with a cheap laptop(under 500 bucks) and a tower for pc.I ve had it with new technology it gets crappier by the day.
    Companies have to do more that giving us machines that break every two years and not worth to fix just to replace them with new crap.Blueray 3dtv uhd curved ssd 4k 8k i ve had it!

    However this guy is the best and interesting to us and what we want to do with our devices from time to time!
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2018
    AlbySpace likes this.

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