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English manual for the Panasonic RQ-SX70F?

whatwhat808 - 2012-08-01 14:07

FILE - rq_sx70f.pdf

I am looking for a english manual for the Panasonic RQ-SX70F.

I have attached the japanese pdf.

I also have the technical guide in japanese:




Even a manual in any other language would be much appreciated.

I bought one brand new ages ago and found it again in a drawer today.

I realize that I don't remember anything about using the special features.

I ordered a new gumstick battery for it.


If anyone has one or any experience with it, I could really use some tips and pointers.




whatwhat808 - 2012-08-01 15:40

FILE - rq_sx70f-en-final.pdf

This is manual for the rq-sx70f in english that was made by extracting the english pages and japanese diagrams from the full japanese manual.


pdf is attached.