Akai And Nakamichi Brochers
seb968 - 2013-10-09 12:24
FILE - 70's AKAIp001.pdf
FILE - 70's AKAIp002.pdf
FILE - 70's AKAIp003.pdf
FILE - 70's AKAIp004.pdf
FILE - 70's AKAIp005.pdf
FILE - CR7p001.pdf
FILE - CR7p002.pdf
FILE - CR7p003.pdf
FILE - CR7p004.pdf
FILE - CR7p005.pdf
FILE - CR7p006.pdf
FILE - CR7p007.pdf
FILE - CR7p008.pdf
deliverance - 2013-10-09 12:50
some beuties there seb thanks again .
seb968 - 2013-10-09 12:55
Youre welcome, been collecting and enjoying this stuff for years, it's great to share
nak.d - 2013-10-09 15:50
Nice effort here...whilst always welcome, most scans I see are below par but here the lighting is 'well balanced', they look great.
seb968 - 2013-10-09 15:55
Thanks Nac D. The Akai brocher was a challenge, so faded that I had to muck about with the Gama to get anything at all!